It’s more important than ever to be ready for change. What a difference a year makes. This time last year the construction market was strong. New construction at every corner, consumer confidence was high, and the job market was thriving. Now fast forward a year and we find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic. We are told to social distance, wear masks, and at times, to stay at home. Most markets, including construction, have been affected and are trying to find the “new normal”.

As construction slows and projects have been delayed, the once-thriving market has slowed as well.

The last six months have created a storm of events resulting in companies

  • Laying off employees from executives to site workers
  • Downsizing company workforce due to a reduction of demand
  • Having their backlog of work either delayed or suspended for an undetermined amount of time.

In a booming market, job opportunities are plentiful, but the candidate pool is slim. In a slower market, it flips to fewer job opportunities but a stronger candidate pool.  This has created anxiety within the construction industries’ workforce.  No one feels job safe. However, many of you are still not prepared when change happens. If you are on the market it may be a little tough for you to find a position but not impossible.

I have listed below a few tips to help you prepare to weather the storm.

  • Update your resume – make sure all employment dates are correct. Add any awards or accolades you have received throughout your career.
  • Compile a separate project list, including dates and sizes of projects.
  • Create a list of professional references, include former bosses, company leaders, and construction executives.
  • Keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities
  • Update any professional platforms. Ex: LinkedIn
  • Stay connected to colleagues within your industry
  • If a reputable recruiter reaches out with opportunities, listen, do not ignore them. You may need their services at some point.
It is important to remember that no storm lasts forever, and good times will return. Construction sites will soon be bustling with activity, new projects will start again, and the job market will explode. The key is to be ready when the job you’ve been wanting becomes available. The early bird gets the worm, but we’ll save that discussion for another day.

Written By: Keith Swayngim